Freshly Shredded Acacia Confusa. ENERGY

Your Source For Acacia Acacia Confusa

Your Source For Acacia Acacia Confusa Your Source For Acacia Acacia Confusa Your Source For Acacia Acacia Confusa

Visit us for your supply of acrb, Acacia Confusa, and alternative health products !

The Amazing Acacia

Acacia Confusa leaves

Acacia has been in the service of mankind for thousands of years. Being abundant and widespread It was a valuable resource for the ancient Egyptians, Africans, Sumerians, and aboriginal tribes of Australia. The bark and leaves have been used as dyes, medicines, and tannins for leather. The trees dense hard wood is commonly used for wood working and building purposes. The ruby red dye from Acacia Confusa subspecies has long been prized by royalty for its rich and vibrant color. Shamans too recognized and respected the acacias for their ability to thrive in desolate and unforgiving environments. They would often incorporate the incense of the wood in their spiritual rituals in their search for wisdom and guidance.  

Hawaiian Acacia Confusa


Our goal is to supply you with all of your Acacia needs. We supply high quality bark ideal for use as a non toxic and natural red dye. 



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